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Going through a divorce or child support dispute can be an emotionally and financially draining process, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the legal system. It is important to understand the laws governing divorce and child support in California, as well as the options available to you throughout this difficult time. Here’s what you need to know.
If your spouse has served you with divorce papers, it is important that you take immediate action. You must respond within 30 days of being served, otherwise a default judgment may be entered against you. Your written response should include any requests for temporary orders related to custody, visitation and spousal support that should be immediately implemented until a final decision is made by the court.
When it comes to determining child custody in California, courts will always make decisions based on what is in the best interests of the child. This means that both parents are expected to work together to put their own differences aside in order to create a parenting plan that works for everyone involved. If parents cannot agree on a plan without going to court, then a judge will make the final decision based on evidence presented by both parties.
In California, there’s an exact formula used to calculate child support payments which takes into account each parent’s income along with factors such as health insurance costs and daycare expenses. The calculation also accounts for any additional children either party may have from other relationships or marriages outside of this case. The formula varies depending on which county your case is filed in so it's important to consult an experienced attorney who knows the nuances of each jurisdiction.

Once an agreement has been reached between two parents regarding custody arrangements, either parent can request a modification if circumstances change substantially after the initial agreement was made. In some cases, modifications are necessary due to changes in one or both parent’s job or housing situations -– but any changes must still meet approval from the court before they can go into effect.
At Wick Legal Group we understand how stressful navigating these family law matters can be for our clients in California –- especially when emotions are running high during such major life transitions like divorce or separation proceedings involving children and finances. We provide personalized service tailored specifically towards helping families navigate these issues while keeping their rights protected at all times throughout every step of this process. Contact us today for more information about how we can help you with your family law needs here in California!
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